Happy Saturday! What are you doing today to make yourself happy! Well, my day started with the monsters' "Midnight Ryder and Kitty" waking me up at 6:00 am, cause they were so hungry---crying Mom we are starving LOL! They are my "kids" now and they need me just as much as I need them!
Then we jumped right in cleaning the house, "how I really just love cleaning" if you believe this then you are very gullible! LOL! A sense of humor is important to keep one's sanity in all we do each and everyday. Working towards self fulfillment is hard but is necessary to be the best of you and who you want to be.
One of things I like about myself is my compassion for others, and what they are facing and trying to help them find peace, ,even if this means putting my emotions to the side, cause eventually, the goodness will come back to me in a different form of love/help. I know, you are saying "what" she is nuts. Not really. It has happened so much for me lately. What do you like about yourself? Is this self love helping you to be the best of you?
Trust and believe in yourself and take time to enjoy the weekend, and finding something fun to help you over the hurdles of the week. Right now mine is listening to music and "DANCING" it releases so much stress. Keeping stress bottled up inside is not only detrimental to one's health but also one's self confidence! Learning to let go and saying "GOODBYE" to the negative is the best medicine one can do to help you feel better!
Some of my favorites sayings' By Audrey Heparin “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible ..."
My next is " If you think you can't or think you can you are right" Think about that one!
There are so many positive quotes, find your favorite and place it where you see it everyday and make this your mantra everyday!
Till next time!
Love you all!