This man loved me unconditionally; thru all my flaws, my headstrong ways, and of course my charming personality!! He was the rock to my roll!! There were nights when he would sing to me, cause I had a tough day- or he would take my hand and dance with me to make me smile. Sometimes he would just dance to make me smile. I miss you terribly today Paco— life is so sucky right now!! I know Poppy-si entiende-tu eres conmigo toda día en mi vida y corazón 💔! Yet some days I feel so lost 😞!!
I know the storm ⛈ is temporary and I will survive the stormy waters and cross over to calm waters. Poppy you know the chaos-please guide me down the path-thru the chaos. I know you are ready to fly: I am not ready to let you go!! Please give me more time with you!!
I love you ❤️😘 to infinity and beyond!! No one can ever compare to the man who loved 🥰 me for me!! Truth and honesty is what they need to bring!! I will keep my heart ❤️ sealed till you point me!!
te quiero muchísimo mi corazón gracias por todo día!! I will love 💗 forever!!
Till next time!!!