This rose is the perfect sign that life does continue after death. So many are indifferent to the loss of life, and not sure how to deal with someone, who is truly dealing with loss. I follow this life coach, who became a life coach after losing is wife to cancer around 8 years prior. He has been an inspiration to me, on learning how to deal with life during, and after loss. Some feel that I need to put on my big girl panties and move forward, like Paco never existed in my life. However; that is far from the truth. He did exist and we did have a life a together for 20 years, and moving past this is not as easy as one would think. I have not written for awhile, as I was going thru a rough patch myself, and trying to navigate the waters is always tricky and treacherous. Life has so many curve balls, and changes, we never know from one day to the next what is going to transpire, albeit we accept the challenge and learn to face the demons head-on. I am not saying it is easy, or will it ever be easy, and there are still days, when I cry cause my bestest friend in the world is not with me to vent my frustrations.
What is truly amazing is how many take the love of his/her significant other, husband/wife, for granted on a daily basis, like they are going to live on forever, when that is simply not the case. Arguments are a part of life, and will always come into play during any type of relationship, the biggest take away from this message, is "SAY I AM SORRY" even if you are not at fault! REASON; they could be taken away and you will live with that guilt forever! If you truly are that unhappy, them move on, otherwise, reflect on what brought you together, what is the reason for loving one another and what would your life be like apart? These are some serious questions you must ask yourself.
If I have learned anything over the last 420 days-is how much I miss Paco! Life is very short, and always finding fault will lead to a lifetime of regret! Do not allow negative to be the naysayer in a fruitful relationship. Reason is those of us that have lost our special someone do not have them to talk to on a daily basis.
Please always take in consideration; WE, are learning to live life differently, at the same time WE will not allow these comments to defeat us! WE are strong and fearless, and warriors of lost love and life changes. WE will power thru and muster the strength needed to fight/slay the dragon naysayers! Do not judge our happiness, as we are learning to refind joy in life.