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Book of Life (What is your favorite place)

Writer's picture: Cheryl Macias, MHACheryl Macias, MHA

Self Reflection!

Hello! Hope this day finds you well and safe, and enjoying the time you have with family, and friends. This was Paco favorite place to relax and savor the moment of quietness and enjoy our time together. When you see this picture what pops into your mind? Where do you go for solace and comfort? Each person has a favorite place and quiet place, and sometimes this place is what is needed to regenerate for the next phase of life or just to focus on the here and now.

M life changed drastically since Christmas, I sometimes just sit and reflect on what am I doing now, how am I going to move forward, and what would Paco want me to do! Life is not about living for other people and but living for our selves. IF we have not learned to love ourselves and free of ourselves from the pain and hurt from life, then how can we move on to be free? Pain is raw, and feelings are deep emotions, however; we cannot be afraid to face these feelings and emotions. If we deny ourselves this growth, then how can we enjoy what god has to offer us.

So, this morning I am sitting here mostly due to Midnight Ryder waking me up at 4:30, and would not allow me to go back to sleep, thus my writing to you all! LOL!!! Wake up and smell the coffee, bring the joy of the day, and delight in what will be, what will happen, and what is meant to be! We cannot change the past, we have no control over the future, we only have this moment in time! Do the best, be the best and love hard! Cause you do not know when life will change and/or how life will change!

It truly amazes me how many reach out to me on daily basis and ask me "how are you doing" "is there anything you need"! My heart is full of love and sadness, and I am trying not let the sadness drive my bus, as this takes me down the dark road. What are some things you do to help you get over the sad times, and or rough times you are facing, and does this really help you to defog your brain?

I am working on self growth, and this is always the hardest part of being an adult and learning to love oneself and working on "It is ok" this can mean many things to different people and who are we say, "not that way, but this way"! We all have to find our inner strength to be self strong, and focus on our personal goal plans we have set. Remember YOU MUST LOVE YOURSELF FIRST, before you can love someone else!

Am I being to emotional this morning, not sure, or just being self reflected on the here and now and working on moving forward! Writing my story is my healing process to help me with thru the loss of losing Poppi and re-learning to let go "OF WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN" and focus on what is happening in the here-in-now! Baby steps it all does not happen over night, but it will eventually happen and you will see, feel the transformation once you let go, and grab of hold of self care and self love!

I do hope you enjoy the read, and learn to have self reflection and not be too hard on yourself today, cause you are the "BEST THAT GOD HAS TO OFFER", just and believe in you!

God Speed! Cheryl-

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